How lead tracking can help your business convert more customers
Personalizing the relationship with your customer and being able to offer targeted communication to them is one of the keys to a successful business.Furthermore, we live in a time of “permission marketing”, that is, it is necessary to attract the consumer’s attention and provoke a desire for information, without them feeling bothered by your message.
Therefore, customizing and targeting the message at each stage of the consumer’s purchasing journey has become essential.
Collecting data from your leads, understanding their intentions, maturity stage, etc., is essential for successful and engaging interactions on both sides.
To better understand the needs and profile of your potential customers and how they are interacting with your company, increasing the efficiency of your sales strategies, you can use lead tracking.
By the way, do you know what lead tracking is and how to use it? Check out the content below and make sure you follow every step your potential customer takes towards your business.
What is Lead Tracking and why is this technique so important?
As you may already know, within Inbound Marketing and other Digital Marketing strategies, every visitor who shows interest in your product is categorized as a lead.
This is because, whether through a message sent to the company’s chat or filling out a landing page, the person shows that they want to know more about your segment and/or service, and can therefore be considered a potential customer.
But for this possibility to become a concrete business, you need to continue nurturing the lead with relevant content to make them advance in the purchasing journey through your sales funnel.
Remember that a sales funnel is a strategic model of attraction, nurturing and conversion that aims to monitor and encourage the purchasing journey from the customer’s first contact with the company until the deal is closed.
And it is precisely to measure whether the contact is being well nurtured, educated for the market, and becoming a qualified lead that we can count on lead tracking.
But what is lead tracking?
Lead tracking is nothing more than a feature within marketing automation tools that allows you to track your lead’s behavior.
In other words, it is able to identify whether your lead has read content on the blog, opened your marketing emails and even downloaded complementary educational materials, or whether they have done none of these things.
Now, there’s no need to even talk about why this type of instrument is important, right?
After all, it is clear that from the data collected you will be able to strengthen the actions that are producing results and identify those that are not generating engagement in the lead, thus being able to adjust the strategy.
How to track the maturity of your lead
Although Google Analytics is one of the most popular tools for measuring the performance of digital marketing actions, it does not offer lead tracking as a feature.
However, you can find several marketing automation platforms on the market that offer, among other features, a module for lead tracking.
And to monitor how your leads are developing and interacting with your messages and channels, simply add the desired actions for analysis to the tool’s settings, such as email clicks, form conversion, content accessed, etc.
Additionally, it is also possible to schedule actions to ensure nutrition with the appropriate frequency; you can create a sequence of emails for those who click on a certain link and even notifications based on a specific action.
With such efficient and complete automation, your team doesn’t miss a single completed action from your qualified lead base and, therefore, optimizes the marketing and sales strategy in the customer acquisition process.
You already know about lead tracking. Focus on qualified leads!
In today’s content, we saw how lead tracking can help your marketing team communicate more assertively with potential customers.
This is because lead tracking allows you to monitor the most important pages on your website and interact in a personalized way with your leads, based on their behavior throughout the purchasing journey using concrete interaction data.